Is Forex Trading Worth It
So I actually do trade for a living, I’m obviously going to say it is, but there is a gigantic IF at play here. Because it may not be worth it for YOU.
I started learning about forex trading more or less 1 yr ago, but I simply thought it wasn't worth the effort and just let it go. Now I've picked up interest on this again, and started studying seriously (not just forex, but about securities in general). Forex trading is a 'don't invest what you can't afford to lose' business. If you focus on monetary rewards then you'll probably pay more attention to keeping your profits and avoiding losses than improving your skills.
We need to figure this out first. You will thank me either way. I get this question sometimes, and I’ve seen it floating around on, and I won’t lie, it does irritate me. /online-course-on-forex.html. I’m not going to dedicate an episode of the to it though. I’ll just answer it here. Binary options pro signals scam.
And I’ll be straight with you, I do think it’s a dumb question, and I’m very likely to simply say “No” if somebody asked me if Forex trading was “worth it” on the street. Forex trading involves risk, and if you have to ask if something is worth your time before trying it out (which you can do for free), you’re probably too risk-averse for something like this. Binary option trading forum.
But to be fair, I don’t know the context of the question, or why you asked it in the first place. I just want to make sure you understand a few things first. We’ll start with the negatives. If You’re Lazy and Passive, You Will Lose. Pandas are terrible Forex traders, believe me. Most people aren’t built for trading. They simply won’t put enough into it.
And it makes me really nervous when people have to ask “Is Forex Trading Worth It?”, because an actual go-getter would have just dove in and tried it, or at least learned about it. I run into people all the time who find out what I do, and are immediately interested.

I tell them what I told my listeners in, go to this free online school, it will take a couple of days, then get back to me, and I’ll let you know what to do next. I’d say out of fifty people who approached me, only ONE followed through, as easy and painless as this task was. He’s now one of my private clients.
A free course that’s fun and doesn’t take up much time. Was I asking too much? Most people do not deserve to have a lifestyle that Forex can provide. They just don’t. Most people, even those who are desperate and hate their jobs will never give it a try. They’re either too risk-averse, or in most cases, they’re criminally fucking lazy. But let’s say I’m misjudging you, and you’re the type who takes risks, but does what they can to mitigate and minimize their risk.
I like people like this. I only trade 10-15 minutes a day, often less. And I’m an actual pro who trades for an actual firm. But it took a lot of work to get here.
If you stay with this site and, you can get there far quicker, but you will still have to put in some work. And you will have to endure some losing. Can you handle that? What will your next move be after a big loss? There is no substitute for actual experience. And in that experience there are lots of losses.
Is Forex Trading Worth It Now
Losses either scare you, because you can’t see the big pig picture, or they excite you because you know they’ll never happen again, and you just became a lot stronger. The latter has a chance. If You’re Reckless and Stupid, You Will Lose. Thelma and Louise wouldn’t have made it in Forex either.
I really really hate the guy who says “Don’t trade Forex, you’ll lose all of your money”. This guy is an imbecilic loser, and he deserves his own blog post. Another time maybe. But in many ways, he’s not wrong. Did you know that in the US, you can trade 50:1 leverage in Forex, which means you can have $50 in the game for every $1 you put forward?
Forex Trading Strategies
And outside of the US it’s far greater. Does this make you excited?
It’s nice, but don’t get too excited. I got super excited over this. I wanted to move to another country so I could have more leverage. Then again, I didn’t understand it, and I blew out 3 different trading accounts, all the way down to nothing. If I wasn’t careful, and my broker didn’t have measures in place to make sure my losses didn’t go further, I would have not only lost all my money, but due to leverage would have had to owe my broker even more! So yes, it can happen.