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With the help of binary options signals, traders will have the possibility to use software in order to increase their likelihood of making accurate predictions. This article was created to help you learn how to use these services and as a guide to help you find the best binary options signals. It is widely believed that night time is the best time to make use of binary options signals as at that time of day, traders have plenty of time in which to make decisions. Of course it is vital to choose an experienced and professional binary options signals provider. /to-binary-signals-how-does-it-work.html.
How to make money in forex? I’m often mystified in my why so many traders struggle to make consistent money out of forex trading. The answer has more to do with what they don’t know than what they do know. how to trade forex profitably
After working in investment banks for 20 years many of which were as a Chief trader its second knowledge how to extract cash out of the market. It all comes down to understanding how the traders at the banks execute and make trading decisions. Bank traders only make up 5% of the total number of forex traders with speculators accounting for the other 95%, but more importantly that 5% of bank traders account for 92% of all forex volumes.
The forex market is the largest financial market in the world, trading around $1.5 trillion each day. Trading in the forex is not done at one central location, but is conducted between. You got it right. The easy answare: the last 4 hours candle of every trading day is in fact only a 3 hours candle. And the last 8 hours candle is in fact a 7 hours candle. At least in commodities and stocks. Forex is 24 hours trading so the candles fit 6 times 4 hours 3 times 8 hours.
So if you don’t know how they trade, then you’re simply guessing. Free forex strategy. First let me bust the first myth about forex traders in institutions. They don’t sit there all day banging away making proprietary trading decisions. Most of the time they are simply transacting on behalf of the banks customers. It’s commonly referred to as ‘clearing the flow”.

Awesome article, another Great insight and definitely soooooo much truth in what you say, I thank you Nial for really opening my eyes in this forex business. Reply kwaji February 25, 2012 at 7:35 am.
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They may perform a few thousand trades a day but none of these are for their proprietary book How do banks trade forex? They actually only perform 2-3 trades a week for their own trading account. These trades are the ones they are judged on at the end of the year to see whether they deserve an additional bonus or not. So as you can see traders at the banks don’t sit there all day trading randomly ‘scalping’ trying to make their budgets. They are extremely methodical in their approach and make trading decisions when everything lines up, technically and fundamentally. That’s what you need to know! As far as technical analysis goes it is extremely simple.