Binary Options Vs Forex,
what is binary options trading platform Here are the leading binary option trading platforms online today. Overall Best Binary Trading Platform. The best overall binary options trading platform is the 24option platform. #1 Binary Trading Platform = Scipio, aka the 24option Platform; This is the platform of a leading binary option broker, 24option. Currently, binary options trading is extremely popular in South Africa. It became so just a few years ago, and before that there were no particular regulations for binary options brokers in this country. A binary option is a financial exotic option in which the payoff is either some fixed monetary amount or nothing at all. The two main types of binary options are the cash-or-nothing binary option and the asset-or-nothing binary option.
Understand Trading and You Understand Both Before we even dive in to the differences, pros, and cons between binary options and Forex, you must first understand that you will find it hard to be consistently profitable on either if you don’t understand trading itself. You may be able to get lucky for a while but the same can be said for the casino. What your goal should be is teach yourself a job for life. Your introduction to reading price action and order flow has been presented in the and sections of this website. You will need to master that before attempting to trade in either way but for now this lesson may help you understand which type of trader you will become, you may even like both and do a bit of each!
The Differences Between Binary And Forex If you are new to the world of trading you may be feeling slightly bamboozled by all the terminology and the options open to you. There are many ways to trade but two very popular methods are Forex and binary options. Forex options have been prevailing for long time and binary options are relatively new with lot of scam brokers existing in the market. So you should be careful before opening a trading account with any binary options broker. Binary Options If you have been learning about binary options trading, doubtless by now you have also started picking up some tips and tricks for trading Forex. The two are very closely related, mostly because you can trade currencies either way. Binary options vs FOREX – Differences. In binary options there are various types of trades that are already established. We just have to choose the underlying asset, the value of the trade and the expiration time. Binary Options vs Forex & CFDs If you are new to trading then you may be slightly confused as to how Forex and CFDs differ from Binary Options. Indeed, people seem to talk about them in isolation these days.
Forex download free audiobooks. Actually people that have minimum financial track record can easily make money by learning how to trade currencies online. Please note that when trading Forex your capital is at risk. And you don't need a large sum of money to start, you can trade initially with a minimal sum, or better off, you can start practicing with a demo account without the need to deposit any money. Currency Forex allows even beginners the opportunity to succeed with financial trading.
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One big difference between the two is that with binary options you will take trades with a fixed return, 70% would be a common example, but the returns do vary from broker to broker and from trade type to trade type (you will learn more about that later). With Forex your returns are not limited in the same way and a healthy risk:reward strategy can be implemented, returns of 200% and higher are a common example with Forex.
The next big difference between the two is the fact that with binary options you are required to assign a time duration to your trades. With Forex you need to predict a target area for your trades and it doesn’t really matter if it gets there fast or slow.
There are definitely pros and cons to each which we will now address so that you are clear. From a technical standpoint; if you can trade spotFX profitably then you should also be able to trade binary options profitably, and vice versa. This is why most of the lessons that you will learn from all of the various sections of this website will help you with both styles of trading.

Reading price action and order flow is key for both. Trade Duration Forex: Once a trade is open you can exit the trade whenever you see fit. Usually this will be at your take profit or at your stop loss but could also be due to what you are seeing on the charts or major news events. The real point is you have full control and the only real exceptions is on weekends where you can not exit any open trades. Binary Options: Before you enter any trade you will have selected the expiry time, this could be 1 minute to 1 hour from entry and is your choice. Once you have committed to an expiry time you are tied in to that trade until the time passes.
Some binary options brokers will allow you to exit your trade early but at the price of a lower return than originally agreed. Other will allow you to delay the expiry time at the price of a higher investment. Not all brokers offer each of those options and the binary options broker world is very diverse. Risk:Reward Forex: If you have taken the time to learn and develop a complete trading plan then risk:reward on Forex is completely in your hands. By using a stop loss you can limit your risk on every trade to a percentage of your account and always know your risk. The exception to that would be due to slippage which may drag your stop loss point further away and increase risk, this is just the price you pay for full control. If you were to always target a minimum of 100% return, so that you never risk more than you are trying to gain, and sometimes enjoy returns of 200% or 300% then you can be profitable winning even just 50% of your trades.
The real point is that you have control over your risk:reward and can use that to your advantage. Binary Options: With binary options you will always know your exact risk before you enter any trade and nothing can change it. Returns however are out of your control and are lower than a sound trading plan on Forex. Your average high/low binary options trade has a return of 65-80% which means you will always risk more than you are trying to gain. There are other types of binary options trade that have much higher returns but they are not the types of trade that we will be using here at (They will be discussed in a later lesson though). Trade size Forex: Forex brokers vary in their minimum trade size but the lowest you will find are called micro lots. This is 1,000 units of the base currency and is also known to as a 0.01 lot.